Wednesday, February 3, 2010

EMMDEV 2010-02-02 [Reality Bytes] Steam: Fervour

11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour...
On Friday I wrote about how we're on fire for God when faith is new and
then, all too often, our passion fades. We're looking at how we can keep
our momentum and not run out of steam...
Paul reminds us that it is all "In view of God's mercy (Rom12:1). It's
all because we realise how much we have been forgiven and how Christ
came and suffered for us.
Here are a couple of possible translations of the first part of v.11:
- Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit. (RSV)
- Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit (ESV)
- Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame (MSG)
- Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit (CEV)
- Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive (NIRV)
The original Greek that Paul wrote, if one translates in a very blunt,
literal fashion, reads something like this: "Be zealous (earnest, eager
and diligent)
Don't be lazy or troublesome
Boil over with an enthusiastic heart filled by the Spirit."
A new believer _feels_ excited with the recent discovery that Jesus has
died for them. Those of us who have believed for a long time are in
danger taking it for granted.
We have to be deliberate in our fervour. We must make a decision to be
determined. We must _decide_ to be zealous. There are three key parts to
this determination:
1.We should strive to be earnest, eager and diligent.
2.We must avoid the temptation to be slothful.
3.We must realise that only the Spirit working in our hearts can make
our lives "aglow", "boiling over" and "aflame." Obedience to His
promptings is what fuels the fire!
The word "enthusiasm" comes from two words: "in" and "God"
Theo Groeneveld