"No-one understands what I am going through!" This is the oft-heard heart-rending cry of a teenager who is convinced that his or her parents just don't get it! While the outcry of the teen can be a bit drama-queenish, there are good grounds to argue that some of us have faced troubles that others don't.
BUT the writer to the Hebrews comes up with an amazing comfort: He argues that Jesus is our High Priest who has experienced *ALL* our weaknesses and temptations. He carried it all on the cross.
It started with the Incarnation: all of God squeezed into the itty-bitty living space of Mary's womb. Jesus knew the frailty of being human. He was hungry, tired, probably had a cold or two and probably had teenage acne. He knew the ache in the muscles after a hard day's work in the carpentry business and had hands that got splinters and blisters until the work created callouses.
At His baptism He furthered His connection with us by figuratively taking on our sin. John's baptism was one of repentance but Jesus was without sin so He didn't need to do it - except to identify Himself with us. (It's like bathing in someone else's dirty bathwater - you pick up their dirt)
The temptations by Satan in the wilderness are symbols of the ongoing temptations He faced throughout His life:
Stones into bread: Give in to your bodily desires
Jump off the temple: Be impressive, manipulate with showmanship
Bow down to Satan to rule the world: Get power by taking shortcuts.
The Hebrews-writer is adamant. Jesus might not have had the internet, but He was tempted to satisfy a body desire - just as many are tempted with porn today. He wasn't an MD of a big company, but He was tempted to take a shortcut.
He was tempted - in every way - just like we are...
He understands us and He can help us... (more tomorrow)
Theo Groeneveld theo@emmanuel.org.za
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