Friday, January 30, 2015

EMMDEV 2015-01-30 [Apostle's Creed] Buried - The end of entropy!

For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed. But the one whom God raised from the dead did not see decay. Acts13:36-37

Entropy is a word that is used specifically in thermodynamics. Its specific scientific technical definition is hard to understand, but the word is also used in a more general sense (we talk about "entropy in the market place") and there is a more general definition is more understandable:
ENTROPY: lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

If I use this definition, the word "entropy" powerfully describes what happened to a world that God made good (to use Gen 1's phrase) after sin entered into it:
-Adam and Eve hid from God.
-Adam blamed Eve.
-Relationships became power based with the abuse that goes with it. (Gen3:16)
-The earth started bringing forth weeds.
-Cain was jealous of Abel and killed him.
-And so it goes.

So we live in a world of moral, spiritual and physical decay.

Jesus was placed in the tomb and the expectation was that decay would begin. But unlike Adam who grasped at equality with God, Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. Where Adam took, Jesus gave. Where Adam had to hide because of his selfish sin, Jesus was put on public display on the cross where He offered His selfless sinlessness in our place. And so when decay came to take Jesus' physical body - God the Father said:
There will be no more death
no more mourning
no more crying
no more pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Rev21:4)

HALLELUJAH! - Let's join together with God's people on Sunday and celebrate our awesome God!!
There will be a short hiatus in EmmDevs next week.
We are fortunate enough to be going on sabbatical long leave and will be travelling down to Hermanus next week. Once we are settled I'll resume the devs until this series on the creed is complete and then we'll take it from there!
God bless!

Theo Groeneveld theo @

You can see past EmmDevs at emmdev[dot]blogspot[dot]com/