Wednesday, June 17, 2015

EmmDev 2015-06-17 [John's Portraits of Christ] 1. Son of God

(Apologies for the delay in the re-start of the EmmDevs - I was struggling to choose the next theme!)

I eventually settled on looking at 21 portraits of Jesus from the 21 chapters in John's gospel. The inspiration for this comes from a chart in the the reference tools found in the Thompson's Chain Reference Bible...)

1. Son of God

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John1:14

John 1 is like the overture of a theatrical musical. An overture is the introduction and sets the stage and mood, but it also gives one some sense of the main moments of the story.

John's prologue in ch.1 does this magnificently. Here are some highlights from the chapter as a whole:

  • He opens with "In the beginning was the Word..." and we are taken all the way back to Genesis 1.
  • We are reminded of John the Baptist who is Jesus' forerunner and gives the gospel story historical credibility. John the Baptist is also the one who reveals God's agenda for us - to be witnesses of the light.
  • Jesus is introduced as the Light of the world, the God revealer and the very life of humankind,
  • He is the un-understood and un-recognised Messiah who was crucified by a corrupt and blind religious system
  • He transforms people bringing them from death to life - to being born of God.

But I want to concentrate on our verse for the day:
John has already told us that Jesus is the Word who is with God and is God. He has told us that Jesus is the light and life of humanity. But there's a twist to this majestic tale: The Son of God, magnificent and mighty, humbles Himself to become flesh - to enter Mary's womb, to be a holy embryo, to dwell among us. Eugene Peterson translates this thought as "The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood."

One would think that moving into the neighbourhood would lower Him to our standards - that'd He'd be cheapened by His connection with us. But this is not the case: John declares that the "divine self-lowering" of Jesus actually exalts Him.
And here's why: Where Adam and Eve grabbed for more power, Jesus chose to obey God even if it meant humbling Himself and having less power.

Jesus obeyed His Father and, for our sake, He gave His life.
Jesus deity is recognised by John, not only because of His divine identity, but also because of His sacrifice.