20. Conqueror of Death
14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. 15 "Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." 16 Jesus said to her, "Mary." (John20:10-18) |
The word still gives me butterflies in the my tummy. It quickens my pulse when I proclaim it at funerals. If comforts me when I stand at a deathbed. It is the current that "lurks in the wiring" waiting to jolt me when I unexpectedly touch it.
Resurrection is comfort. Resurrection is victory. Resurrection is triumph. Resurrection is purpose. Resurrection is power. Resurrection is uncontainable. Resurrection trumps death. Resurrection defeats our fear. Resurrection outwits Satan. Resurrection is Jesus. (That's 11 butterflies I have in my tummy from typing this word of hope.)
But here in John 20 the Conqueror of death does an incredible thing.
Mary has come to the tomb and found the stone rolled away.
She has run to the disciples to tell them.
Peter and John have run to the tomb and gone inside.
John believes. Peter doesn't know what to think.
Mary wonders around the garden devastated and broken-hearted.
Jesus meets her but she doesn't recognise Him.
He's conquered death, defeated sin and triumphed over Satan. But she can't see it.
But then He speaks ONE WORD to her and she sees.
Her name.
On that day when I close my eyes for the last time on this earth and I open them again in a new world. I know Who I will see. I know what I will hear.
I will see HIM - the conqueror of death, sin and Satan.
I will hear Him say MY NAME.
That's Resurrection!!!