High Stakes
Then Naomi took the child, laid him in her lap and cared for him. 17 The women living there said, "Naomi has a son." And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. (Ruth4:16-17) |
There are some key ingredients to the happy ending this story has.
- Faith:
Naomi has it. Deep unflinching faith that endures difficulty with honesty and realism. She is secure enough in her relationship with God that she can "tell it like it is." At the same time, her witness is attractive and sincere enough that Ruth wants to be part of it.Ruth has it. A deep commitment to follow God, even in uncertainty and even if it means being teachable enough to follow a mother-in-law's advice. Her actions, especially in her faithfulness to Naomi, portray her faith to those around her.
Boaz has it. In word, deed and reputation. He is respected and people bless him in terms of the faith they see in him.
- Integrity:
Naomi (which means "Pleasant") is consistent with the meaning of her name.Ruth is commended for her sincerity and faithfulness.
Boaz demonstrates diligent uprightness.
- Generosity:
Naomi's generously urges her daughters-in-law to go home instead of accompanying her to Israel. She put their needs before her own.Boaz is generous toward Ruth and Naomi in the gifts he gives them, in having lunch with Ruth in the public eye, and in the speed and righteous efficiency with which he sorts out the legalities.
Ruth is generous toward her mother-in-law by being willing to start again in a foreign land as a foreigner. But in our text verse we see yet another generosity: Ruth shares her child with Naomi to such and extent that the town's people say: "Naomi has a son." While this was true in terms of the legalities of the Kinsman-Redeemer tradition, it was also functionally true in the way in which Ruth shared her first baby with Naomi who had already had two of her own.
Faith, Integrity and Generosity. Naomi,Ruth and Boaz had these qualities in spades.
When we see these qualities in David we can say "He had it in his genes."
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