Worth it.
As God's fellow workers we urge you not to receive God's grace in vain. (2Corinthians6:1-2) |
Paul has been reflecting on Jesus' incredible death in our place. Unlike Captain Miller, Paul doesn't ask us to "earn this."
We can never earn God's love. We can never do anything good enough to deserve the sacrifice that Jesus made.
Although we could never earn or pay back the price that Jesus paid on the cross, the wonderful news is that He considered you and me "worth it!" He loved us - even in the depths of our brokenness - and considered us worth dying for.
However, there is always the danger that we can take this amazing grace for granted. We can receive God's grace "in vain" - we can undervalue the worth of His death and keep living for ourselves. Do you remember vs.15 from the previous chapter?
"And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again."
What is the worth of Jesus' death to you?
We don't have to earn it, but we can be influenced, impacted, instigated, impelled, incited, invigorated, inflamed and inspired by His death.
When people look at my life would they conclude that Jesus' death was in vain?
With all my being I hope not!