Peace and Trust
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You. (Isaiah26:3) |
This verse is part of a hymn or song celebrating God's goodness and urging people to put their trust in Him. Peace is available to those who will steadfastly trust in Him. It is not about Bible knowledge, theology, good behaviour, church attendance, or church activities. It is about trust.
The common conception of peace is a concept of absence. We have peace when trouble is absent, when conflict is absent, and chaos is absent. God's peace is different. It is a concept of presence. In the midst of trouble, conflict and chaos God is with us - This is what His name, Emmanuel, means.
Our steadfastness in faith is like the sailor who lashes himself to the mast in a storm. The storm rages, but the sailor is secure. When we fasten ourselves to Emmanuel then we will experience peace in the midst of our storm. He is determined to be with us and carry us through. Peace is ours if we will look beyond the circumstances and trust that He wants to be with us and help us. Look not at your circumstances but to a God who will do what it takes to be with us.
If you ever doubt it - just look at the cross!