Monday, April 6, 2020

EmmDev 2020-04-06 [Perspective: God, Faith and Covid19] Hosanna...


Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted,
"Hosanna! "
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
"Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!"
"Hosanna in the highest!"      (Mark  11:9-10)

Yesterday was Palm Sunday.

I've been thinking about the word "Hosanna!"
If one looks at how "Hosanna" is used in many hymns and worship songs, one is left with the impression that it is a word that one sings out in praise and adoration - like "Hallelujah!" or "Glory!"

But this word is used in a very different way in the Old Testament:
  • It's a cry for help and deliverance of cities under attack from an enemy. (Joshua 10:6)
  • It's the cry of a widow to the king when she's lost one son and is about to lose another. (2Sam 14:4)
  • It's the cry of a widow to the king when a siege of Jerusalem forces them into cannibalism (2Ki 6:26)
Then we have a number of Psalms:
  • "Hosanna us, LORD! There is not a good person left;
    honest people can no longer be found." (Psa 12:1)
  • "O LORD, Hosanna the king! Answer us when we call!" (Psa 20:9)
  • "Hosanna your people and bless your inheritance;
    be their shepherd and carry them forever." (Psa 28:9)
  • "Hosanna us by your might; answer our prayer,
    so that the people you love may be rescued." (Psa 60:5)
  • "Turn to me and have mercy on me;
    grant your strength to your servant
    and Hosanna the son of your maidservant." (Psa 86:16)
  • "Hosanna us by your might; answer my prayer,
    so that the people you love may be rescued." (Psa 108:6)
  • "O LORD, Hosanna us; O LORD, grant us success." (Psa 118:25)
The other clue we must notice is the crowd's identification of Jesus as the "Son of David." This reveals a Messianic expectation. The crowd is longing for God's deliverance and rescue through the Messiah. They believed that Jesus was the Saviour-Messiah. In the case of the very first Palm Sunday, the crowds thought of a political Saviour-Messiah who would conquer the Romans and free Israel. But He came to do so much more! We know He conquered sin, death, and Satan. And so He can help us.

Yes, Hosanna is a cry of a heart in desperate need, but it has also become an expression of praise because we know that God can save and that He did and does save...

Hosanna! And Glory Hallelujah!