Friday, May 27, 2022

EmmDev 2022-05-27 [Spiritual Growth] Getting sharp with the Word

Getting sharp with the Word

The first growth habit is regular study and reflection on the Bible which is God's Word. It is the first habit because all the other habits flow from it and are informed by it.

The author of the letter to the Hebrews gives us the first reason why we should cultivate a habit of Bible Study: God's Word is a powerful tool to facilitate the shaping of our character.

He likens it to a sharp sword (he might have used the image of a scalpel if they had had scalpels.) The sword is able to dissect, separating even bone and marrow, soul and spirit, thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

We should never think that we can read the Bible for simple academic interest: Any genuine encounter with Scripture should cause me to reflect on my thoughts and attitudes in a life-changing way.

In our desire to become more like Jesus, we need a regular exposure to Scripture's principles, values, and guidance. It is not a toy or simple collection of religious anecdotes - it is a powerful, active, razor-sharp sword. And like a surgeon uses a scalpel for healing, God will use His Word to transform us. Occasionally the scalpel of Scripture has to cut out a tumour of pride or lance an infection of sin - this is never easy, but it is always for our good. 
For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
