Tuesday, May 28, 2024

EmmDev 2024-05-28 [The Discipleship Journey] Relationship, Process, Journey WITH Jesus

Relationship, Process, Journey WITH Jesus

Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve--designating them apostles--that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons. (Mark3:13-15)
He called them to be WITH Him...

This is the bottom-line of discipleship.
We are to be WITH Jesus.

Jesus spent 3 years with 12 men.
The "did life" together.
Walking long distances, sharing meals, working, serving, hearing, seeing, experiencing the "rhythms of grace" present in Jesus.

They would have seen how He treated people, kids and animals.
They'd have seen how He was unaffected (and unimpressed) by fame, money and status.
They'd watch Him eat, share, teach and heal.
They'd know that He practised what He preached.
They'd experienced His love and kindness.
They'd seen His righteous indignation and zeal for God.
They knew by experience that He was the real deal.

Discipleship is caught - not taught.
If I tell you I have mumps but actually I have measles, what will you catch?

When Peter and John heal the lame man at the gate called beautiful, the Pharisees and Rulers arrest them and threaten them with a very heavy hand. This does not phase the disciples. Here's the observation Luke makes: "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." (Acts4:13)

What Would Jesus Do?
This question is key to the transformation of our lives.
But it means we need to have been with Him.

Being with Jesus is a relationship, a process and journey.

People will see it, if we've been doing it.
Have you been with Jesus today?
First prize is that we started the day with Him, reading from His Word, talking to Him in prayer and drinking in His presence.
If your day didn't start that way, it's not too late.
Quieten your soul now, ask Him to be with you, to guide your steps and to walk today with you.
Then, when you hear His whisper, answer.

Friday, May 24, 2024

EmmDev 2024-05-24 [The Discipleship Journey] Called


After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. (Mark1:14-18)
In Graeco-Roman times students chose their masters, learners chose their teachers, and philosophers like Plato and Aristotle had followers chose to be with them. Jesus does things differently. He calls us.

Did Jesus know Simon, Andrew, James and John beforehand? There is speculation... There are some who suggest that Salome, mother of James and John, may have been the sister of Jesus' mother Mary which would have made the brothers (aka "Sons of Thunder") cousins of Jesus. Even if they were not cousins, Jesus had been around Galilee for a while and may have come to know them. It is also possible that Jesus was simply guided by the Spirit. The gospels record that He spent the night in prayer before appointing the twelve and so we know that His actions are deliberate and focussed...

What is important for this conversation is that Jesus calls. We are not here by whim or accident. We are called.

What is the nature of this call?

  • It's away from our nets. This doesn't mean that we all have to quit our jobs, but it does mean that I am not first and foremost an accountant, lawyer or teacher. It's about identity. I am first and foremost a follower of Christ.
  • We're called to Follow Him. To go where He goes, to hear His voice, to see what He does, to experience His presence, love and grace. We don't have His physical presence like the disciples had, but we have the Scriptures and the promptings of the Spirit. We're to "walk in His footsteps" as Peter puts it in his letter to the church in Asia Minor.
  • We're called to be fishers of souls. Our new passion, our new identity, is to be focussed on reaching others. We will do this reaching Spiritually with the Gospel and Practically and Emotionally with charity and working for justice and equity in our society
Although we talk about "giving our hearts to Jesus", the truth is that we can only do this when we hear His call.
May you and I respond afresh to this call:
  1. What nets (entanglements) do I need to leave behind?
  2. Do I have a clear picture of Jesus and His footsteps? What's the next step I need to take in following Him?
  3. Can I open my heart to people afresh and anew? He died for them and wants me to reach them.

Use these questions as a measure for where you are right now...

Thursday, May 23, 2024

EmmDev 2024-05-23 [The Discipleship Journey] Reading a familiar passage properly...

Reading a familiar passage properly...

Hi everyone
After a longer break than expected, I'm picking up the EmmDevs again.
I'm going to be exploring a theme that's been starting a fire in me over the last few weeks.
That theme is "Discipleship."
- What does it mean to be a Disciple?
- How do I become a Disciple?
- How do I make Disciples?
I think we're in for quite a journey!
GodBless and Love,
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew28:19-20)

We have heard so many sermons on this gripping, memorable and important text. While it is called "The Great Commission", the reality is that it is often "The Great Omission"!
I remember preaching on this text at Trinity Grahamstown's evening service which was packed with students, and it was all about the first verb in the passage: "Go".

Sadly, many of us have made the same mistake, making this passage all about "Going" and thinking that we have to "Go" before we can make disciples. This leads us to think that unless we are going to Timbuktoo or some other exotic location, we are not really doing the work of the Great Commission.

What is fascinating about this passage is that there are actually four verbs: "Go", "Make Disciples", "Baptise" and "Teach" and these four verbs are not equal in weight...

Three of these verbs are Greek Passive Participles (Verbs that have become more like Nouns) and they serve the task of sketching the background. So, for example, the verb "walk" in a Passive Participle becomes "one who is walking". "Go", "Baptise" and "Teach" are all Passive Participles: "As you are going", "ones who are baptising" and "ones who are teaching"

The remaining verb is a Greek Imperative - a command, an instruction, and the central thrust of the sentence.

So, if one pays attention to the forms of these verbs, then maybe we need to translate the as follows:
"So, as you are going about life, make disciples and as you're doing that you'll be baptising and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you..."

That really puts a different perspective on it doesn't it? The key verb isn't "Go", "Baptise" or "Teach" but "Make Disciples" and we can execute that key verb while we are "Doing Life" (Going). While we commute with others on a bus, train or taxi. While we work alongside others. When we serve with others on a Parent's Association or a Neighbourhood Watch. Whenever and wherever we are, we can be helping others to be disciples.

And a Disciple is a follower - not in the Facebook sense, but the "Tracker"/"Student" sense. This is best "caught" and not "taught" - we have to model it more than we preach it. The turning point is Baptism which is a symbol of a public stand, indicative of the work of God in us and a sign of cleansing, renewal and new beginning. The nature of our disciple-making is Teaching people to be more like Jesus.

And the good news is that we are not alone, He is with us and will unleash His grace and power in us.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

EmmDev 2024-05-21 [Treasure Cupboard] 20,000 Days

20,000 Days

Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalms90:12)
Today is a special day in my life - today I am 20,000 days old.
In August I will celebrate my 55th year in this world, but today is my 20,000th day.
The Scriptures tell us that God's mercies are new every morning. (Lam.3:22-23)
That means that I have experienced God's new mercies 20,000 times.
And that's just His general "because-I-am-a-generous-God" mercy.
That is not even the mercy I experience every time I need forgiveness or guidance or enter His throne-room in prayer and worship or intercession for others.

I'm writing this from the very beautiful Uithoek Guest Farm near Fouriesburg where we have overnighted on our way back from conducting a wedding down at Sani Pass...
Justin and Tayla's marriage is on day 3.
I've been married for 11,456 days and Caleb is 8707 days old.
It's a good opportunity to give thanks and reflect on the goodness of God.
Furthermore, if I'm blessed with good health and God's providence, I will have 30,000 days when I am 81 and 8 months.

My point? Each day is a special gift. I look back on 20,000 days and am profoundly grateful: The good days outnumber the bad days by far and the bad days still had a warm bed at the end of them and I woke up to God's blessing of the next day and the bad day was but a memory.

The temptation is to ask what the next 10,000 will look like.
But I think the more important question is: What will today look like?
How will I live today?

So three questions to ask you:

  1. How many days old are you? (Thumb-suck it or ask ChatGPT...) Take a moment to thank God for the gift of all your days. (Whatsapp me your day-age...)
  2. Joshua tells the people, "...choose this day who you will serve" (Jos24:15) In Zacchaeus' home Jesus says "Today Salvation has come..." (Luk19:9)
    Will you give this day to Him?
  3. Do take a moment to think about the quality of each of your days ahead... How do you want to live? How can you be more in tune on a day to day basis so that your next days will be even more full of God's grace?