Tuesday, May 21, 2024

EmmDev 2024-05-21 [Treasure Cupboard] 20,000 Days

20,000 Days

Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalms90:12)
Today is a special day in my life - today I am 20,000 days old.
In August I will celebrate my 55th year in this world, but today is my 20,000th day.
The Scriptures tell us that God's mercies are new every morning. (Lam.3:22-23)
That means that I have experienced God's new mercies 20,000 times.
And that's just His general "because-I-am-a-generous-God" mercy.
That is not even the mercy I experience every time I need forgiveness or guidance or enter His throne-room in prayer and worship or intercession for others.

I'm writing this from the very beautiful Uithoek Guest Farm near Fouriesburg where we have overnighted on our way back from conducting a wedding down at Sani Pass...
Justin and Tayla's marriage is on day 3.
I've been married for 11,456 days and Caleb is 8707 days old.
It's a good opportunity to give thanks and reflect on the goodness of God.
Furthermore, if I'm blessed with good health and God's providence, I will have 30,000 days when I am 81 and 8 months.

My point? Each day is a special gift. I look back on 20,000 days and am profoundly grateful: The good days outnumber the bad days by far and the bad days still had a warm bed at the end of them and I woke up to God's blessing of the next day and the bad day was but a memory.

The temptation is to ask what the next 10,000 will look like.
But I think the more important question is: What will today look like?
How will I live today?

So three questions to ask you:

  1. How many days old are you? (Thumb-suck it or ask ChatGPT...) Take a moment to thank God for the gift of all your days. (Whatsapp me your day-age...)
  2. Joshua tells the people, "...choose this day who you will serve" (Jos24:15) In Zacchaeus' home Jesus says "Today Salvation has come..." (Luk19:9)
    Will you give this day to Him?
  3. Do take a moment to think about the quality of each of your days ahead... How do you want to live? How can you be more in tune on a day to day basis so that your next days will be even more full of God's grace?