Friday, December 13, 2024

EmmDev 2024-12-13 [Advent 2024] In one single day

In one single day

This Advent Promise is in a symbol rich chapter. Zechariah has had a vision of the high priest Joshua (The name "Joshua" is a variant "Jesus") who appeared before the throne in scruffy dirty clothes. Satan was there to accuse him for his sin, but God re-clothed him in clean clothes, taking care of sin and the accuser.

As you read the prophecy below, you will note the following features:

The vision continues with the promise that the Branch is coming. This is the same word as the word we translated "shoot" yesterday. Then the imagery changes to another Messianic image - The stone. (The Old Testament also describes the Messiah as a stone in Psalm 118:22 and Isaiah 28:16). Peter also declared that Christ is both cornerstone (the stone that is the orientation and foundation of the building) and He is the capstone (the purpose and glory of the building.)

The seven eyes on the stone are in all likelihood symbolic of God's omniscience - that He sees all our sin and brokenness. It means that God sees us as we are and doesn't give up on us.

We don't know what the inscription on the stone is, but the result is forgiveness in one single day! It is a breathtakingly accurate and to-the-point Advent Promise: It comes right down to why He came and what it means for us.

The image of the stone takes us straight to the rocky outcrop of Golgotha. I have often thought that the inscription on the stone will be "It is finished!"

Thank you Lord that you were so passionate about us!

Listen o high priest Joshua and your associates seated before you who are symbolic of things to come: I am going to bring my servant, the Branch. See the stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that stone, and I will engrave an inscription on it,and I will remove the sin of this land in one single day. (Zechariah3:8-9)