Thursday, September 15, 2011

EMMDEV 2011-09-15 [Ephesians] Best Prayers 1

For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better Ephesians1:15-17

What is the best thing we can possibly pray for others?
Paul really cared about and loved the Ephesian church elders - we saw this in Acts when Paul made a special stop to say goodbye to them when he was headed for Jerusalem.

Before we look at what he prayed for them, lets also note that he prayed for them often!

So what did he pray for them? For health, wealth and prosperity?
No! He prayed fervently and urgently that they may know God better. This was Paul's hungry heart's desire. (He will pray this prayer again in ch.3.)

And, once again, Paul is aware that the only way for us to know God better is if we have the help of the Holy Spirit. We need God's Spirit working in us, through us, inspiring us and waking us up to the enormity and beauty of God's everlasting love for us!

This is Paul's greatest desire: That through heartache or joy, sorrow or blessing, bad times or good they would know and experience more of God's great love!!!

This is a cage rattler for me. How often do I pray this simple prayer for the the people I love? "Dear Lord, please help Brenda and Caleb know you better!"

This is the very best and most important thing that could EVER happen to them!

Theo Groeneveld
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