Friday, May 21, 2010

EMMDEV 2010-05-21 [Seven Laws of Spiritual Success] Forgiveness: What UNforgiveness is.

"Then the master called the servant in. `You wicked servant,' he said, `I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33 Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?' 34 In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.
One of the most powerful definitions of unforgiveness I have ever heard goes like this: "Unforgiveness is me drinking the poison and hoping that the person I am angry with will die."
Think about it for a moment... There are people we are still mad and resentful at who don't even know it - they may already be dead (and not even at our hand!) - and we still harbour all sorts of hate, hurt and unforgiveness in our hearts. Who's getting hurt? Not them, but us.
Jesus tells a hard-hitting parable of a servant who owed his master an obscene amount of money and was pardoned and then refused to pardon a fellow servant who owed him a teeny tiny amount.
The master hands him over to the "torturers." Selwyn Hughes and many modern psychologists make a big deal over the havoc unforgiveness can cause in our lives. When our souls are burdened with the baggage of past hurts and resentments, it leads to:
- Destructive behaviour
- Diminished mental and physical health
- Anguish (or Obliviousness) for the one we are not forgiving!
- A warped perspective of God
When we refuse to let go of past hurts, we find ourselves in the hands of the "torturers."
Is there festering rage, an inexplicably poor self-image, a sense of the world being grainy monochrome instead of colour, a constant sense of tiredness or a lingering sadness in your life?
Maybe you need to let someone go - maybe you need to release a past hurt - you may be in the hands of the torturer - maybe you need to forgive.
The worst is when we are drinking the poison of unforgiveness against ourselves...
It's time to stop the poison drinking - it's time to escape the torturer. Next week we'll look at how.
Theo Groeneveld
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