Wednesday, August 3, 2011

EMMDEV 2011-08-03 [Practical QT] From Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael was a famous missionary in India who devoted her life to reaching the children of India. This devotion written by her makes a nice addendum to the series I did on Daily Devotions two years ago.... It is also a nice complement to the stunning sermon Lentikile preached on Sunday.
For she thought, "If I could just touch His garments, I will get well." Mark5:28

Many of us try to have a regular quiet time. As we do so, may each of us touch at least the hem of His garment, and receive wholeness in the matter for which we seek Him.

One knows when this has occurred. It is a day when something happens that is different from just reading our Bible or devotional book, or even just praying and asking for the thing.
We touch Him, and all is changed.

WHAT happens? And who can tell HOW it happens?
We only know that something has passed from Him to us:
Courage to do the difficult task we feared.
Patience to bear with that one particular trying person.
Inner strength to go on when we were sure we could not.
A sweet freshness in our spirit,
complete inner happiness,
deep-flowing peace.

God's way of passing by, of letting His "hem" come near us, is to take some single word in His Book and make it breathe Spirit and life to us. Then relying upon that word - meditating, feeding our soul on it - we find it is suddenly possible to go from strength to strength.
From "His Miracles (Devotions for Every Day of the Year) (Integrity Publishers 2004) pg.174

Theo Groeneveld
You can see past EmmDevs at