The small group of Ephesian seekers, who had their curiosity piqued by Paul's first "seed-sowing" visit, then had their "seeds watered" by Apollos' excellent Old Testament preaching. Now, on Paul's return, they have come to a full understanding of the gospel and are baptised. This is their moment of conversion.
With the conversion that has taken place, the Holy Spirit is poured out on them in a powerful way. This is one of a number of significant outpourings of the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts:
- The first was in Jerusalem on the first disciples.
- The next was among the Samaritans
- Then on the Gentiles in the home of Cornelius
- Now on a group of folk who whose picture of Jesus had been incomplete
The wonderful truth is that the Holy Spirit is poured out on all who put their faith in Jesus. " one can say, 'Jesus is Lord,' except by the Holy Spirit." (1Cor12:3)
When we discover and understand God's love for us, it is His Holy Spirit who is at work in us: "because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." (Rom5:5)
In all likelihood the "tongues" were known languages so that onlookers (who spoke in those languages) would hear the praises of God and recognise that a miracle was taking place. This is what happened in Acts 2
When we come to true faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit is the agent and midwife of our rebirth. In the case of the church is Ephesus, the receiving of the Holy Spirit was accompanied with signs and wonders. This does not mean that these signs and wonders are the norm - not everyone who gives their heart to Jesus bursts forth in prophecy and tongues - but it happens here to cement the start of the church.
It is wonderful to know that whether or not there are "bells and flashes," all who give their lives to Christ receive the Holy Spirit.
Theo Groeneveld
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