Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EMMDEV 2012-09-12 [Traders] Trading Comfort for Intimacy

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. 11 Then these men went as a group and found Daniel praying and asking God for help. Daniel6:10-11

Daniel traded comfort for intimacy.
He had political enemies who couldn't find any "dirt" to discredit him. So they flattered the king into making a decree that outlawed prayer to anyone but the king. The consequence was the lion's den.

Daniel learns about the decree:
- There is considerable risk (the lion's den)
- There is a lot to lose - his position, status and influence
- There is the voice of "reasonable compromise" ("You can just pray in your heart with the windows closed - there is no point in losing your position of influence, surely God doesn't want you to squander the position He has put you in. Just be strategic about this - don't rock the boat unnecessarily")

BUT intimacy with God is worth more to Daniel than comfort and he is willing to take the risk...

And so, "having learned" about the decree, he still prays three times a day and he still opens the windows and he still gives thanks. (I wouldn't even be giving thanks, I'd be pleading for tooth-proof skin!!!)

We know how the story ends... Daniel vindicated, enemies eliminated, King Darius humbled, and God glorified.

And some of us would consider this a small issue - it's merely Daniel's daily devotions, but it is a big issue for him - one he was willing to face lions for.

What have we traded daily intimacy with God for???
Busy-ness? The newspaper? TV? Facebook?
Maybe it's time to take a stand!

Theo Groeneveld
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