These six things the Lord hates, yes seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look
A lying tongue
Hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plans
Feet that are swift in running to evil
A false witness who speaks lies
And one who sows discord among brethren Proverbs6:16-19
I think the purpose of the six and then seven is to indicate progression. We are being given an analysis of how we get into trouble.
1. It starts with pride,
2. and is followed by dishonesty,
3. then in looking after number one we hurt others.
4. This leads to actively planning evil
5. and the active pursuit of evil,
6. Our dishonesty becomes slander of others (dragging them down to our level)
7. We become people who drive people apart.
In big and small ways all of us have found ourselves on this downward spiral.
If you're there now, maybe you can stop where you are and escape.
Maybe you know someone who is starting this process - reach out and rescue them!
Theo Groeneveld
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