Worry Wart?
It is very easy to become a worry wart.
I imagine the term comes from an itchy wart which becomes even more itchy when one scratches and worries it. Paul is addressing this very human tendency to turn our problems over and over in our minds to the extent that they dominate our existence!
Anxiety: That chest-tightening panic-inducing condition which, in the short-term, pushes us to fight or flight and, in the long-term, wears us down and impacts our health. We need to avoid anxiety and Paul gives us a clue as to how to do it...
The secret lies in becoming a person who really talks to and listens to God. The problem with anxiety is that it is a never-ending circle in our heads. Most of the counselling I do is listening while people unpack their problems. When there is someone who listens and asks perspective-giving questions, then the circle is broken and the solutions come. God is the best listener because He knows us best.
When we make real, truthful, sincere dialogue with God a daily part of our lives, and we begin to share our feelings, joys, fears, and dreams with God, then He begins to answer by giving us His wisdom, strength, and perseverance and His PEACE.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians4:6-7) |