Friday, July 8, 2022

EmmDev 2022-07-08 [Spiritual Growth] The Fifth Growth Principle: Telling Others #1

The Fifth Growth Principle: Telling Others #1

On the battlefield one has to stick to the last instructions of the commanding officer. Jesus' last instructions were that we should tell others. We call this witnessing, evangelism, mission, sharing our faith, and various other names.

We are not asked to win arguments or do mass-presentations. We not are asked to make converts, but we are asked to make disciples.
To make disciples: To speak and live the message of God's love in such a way that other people want what we've got, that other people are willing to follow the One we follow.

When we learn to live by this principle we are really growing in faith. When we are willing to speak up about something it is because we are convinced about what we are saying. Understanding God's love for us leads us to share it with others, and when this love makes an impact in other people's lives, it strengthens our faith.

Many are afraid to share their faith. They feel that they are not adequately prepared. They feel that they will not be able to win arguments or quote Bible verses. But there are only three real requirements for the successful transmission of faith:
-Love for God,
-love for people,
-and genuineness.

When these three are in place, then the rest will follow.

We best know our faith when we learn to give it away.
We best know our Saviour when we see Him at work in others.
We'll talk about practical faith-sharing next week!

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you even to the end of the age. (Matthew28:19)