Thursday, July 21, 2022

EmmDev 2022-07-21 [Spiritual Growth] Conclusion: We are not alone.

Conclusion: We are not alone.

And I am certain that God,
who began the good work within you,
will continue his work
until it is finally finished
on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Philippians1:6)

Over the last couple of weeks we have examined the disciplines that will enable growth in us. We have noted:
  1. The value of regular attentive Bible reading that can transform the way we live and understand God.
  2. The necessity of prayer that "exposes" us to the loving, holy, empowering presence of God, just like a camera shutter "exposes" the film to the light.
  3. The benefit of relationships and contact with other Christians who sharpen us like iron sharpens iron.
  4. The tremendous growth we can experience when we take the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit seriously.
  5. The amazing ownership of our faith we can experience when we begin share it with others.
Fortunately for us, God does not leave us to master the disciplines of Bible Reading, Prayer, Witnessing, Obeying the Holy Spirit, and Witnessing on our own. Paul promised the church in Philippi that God was actively at work in them so that they would eventually reach perfection.

Later in the same letter he says "For it is God who works within you to will and act according to His purpose."

God will help us put these disciplines into place.
All we need to do is allow Him to work in us!
"Here am I Lord - send me..."
This brings us to the end of this series on Spiritual Growth.
I hope it has been meaningful.
I will take a short break and resume the EmmDevs on 2 Aug...