Wednesday, June 7, 2023

EmmDev 2023-06-07 [Fruit lived out] 4. Patience

4. Patience

The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.
When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream...
...Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I had a dream, and no one can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it."
"I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh, "but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires." (Genesis40:23-41:16)
When he was still a young man, God gave Joseph a dream of greatness.
But before that dream was fulfilled Joseph had to go through a lot:
  1. Betrayed and almost killed by his brothers. Genesis 37:2 tells us that he was 17 when his conflict with his brothers reached boiling point.
  2. Sold as a slave and dragged off to Egypt
  3. Sold to Potiphar where he worked his way to being the "major domo".
  4. Thrown into prison where he worked his way up to being a supervisor of sorts
  5. Interprets the cupbearer and baker's dreams, but the cupbearer forgot about him for two years
  6. Becomes Pharaoh's right hand at 30. (Gen41:46)

That's 13 years as slave and prisoner!
While I think the whole period must have been tough, the last two years must have been really tough.
He'd correctly interpreted the dreams of two high officials but nothing was happening!

I can imagine Joseph's internal dialog: "The cupbearer is alive, the baker is dead, surely the cupbearer will be grateful to be alive! Surely he'll remember me!"

But the cupbearer forgot for two years. (That's nearly 3% of a seventy year life-span!)

If I were Joseph, I'd be angry, champing at the bit, ready to prove myself.

If Pharoah asked me if I could interpret dreams I think I might have responded:
"Is the Nile a river? You betcha I can interpret dreams!"
(or something like that!)

But Joseph is wise and honours God.
There is calmness about him.
He's waited 13 years for this moment.
His spirit is quiet - he can interpret dreams.
He's ready to lead.
He's not a 17 year old tattle-taling on his brothers.
He's learned patience.

God's Spirit can give us patience:
- When we are "waiting in the wings" for years
- When we are slaves slogging away and taken for granted.
- When we are imprisoned physically or by our circumstances.
- When we are forgotten and frustrated.

The same Spirit who helped Joseph will help you and me!