Thursday, June 22, 2023

EmmDev 2023-06-22 [More thoughts about Fruitful Living] Keeping in Step (1)

Keeping in Step (1)

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians5:25)
I wasn't called up for National Service, but I do remember doing Cadets at school. As a gawky st.6, I was a real frustration to our squad sergeant who had to get us to march, because I was always getting out of step when we marched. This was particularly bad when we did right and left turns because it took us all some practice to learn to shorten or lengthen our steps depending on whether we were on the inside or outside.

This idea of staying in step with the Spirit is a very apt and helpful analogy. Staying in step means that:

  1. I don't walk at MY pace and do MY thing - I submit to my Commander.
  2. I must be attentive to the pace and direction of the Spirit.
  3. I need to make adjustments when I get out of step.
  4. I will need to shorten and lengthen my steps through the twists and turns of life to stay close to the Spirit.

When we marched in Cadets we had lots of cues to keep us in step - someone would chant the pace ("left left left right left") or a drummer would give us a beat. We also could be guided by the sound of more than a hundred footfalls and the peripheral vision of the rows and ranks alongside us all moving in unison.

The cues are both similar and different when we walk with the Spirit.

One of the big differences is that we only spend some of our time marching as a big group. Most of the time it's just me, my family and the Spirit. We need to listen carefully to His guidance in Scripture and the gentle promptings in our heart. If we're the head of the family, we have a big responsibility to set the example and help our loved ones stay in step with us as we stay in step with the Spirit. If we're not the spiritual head of the family, its vital that we support the one who is.

In the church context, we have more cues:
- Our worship: Music, prayers, lessons and overall mission/vision.
- The preaching: Listen for the pace-setting of the Spirit through the preacher.
- The example of others: Look at what God is doing in the life of others.

(We'll continue this thought tomorrow...)