A heart at peace gives life to the body
but envy rots the bones Proverbs14:30
Learning contentment is one of the great secrets to living longer. When we continually want what others have, when we are not satisfied with where we are, and when satisfaction is always over the horizon then we are in danger of rotting from the inside.
This does not mean that ambition and the pursuit of excellence are necessarily bad, although they can deceive us and become our gods.
To have a heart at peace is to always carry an attitude of gratitude in our back pockets, so that we are always ready to count our blessings and to enjoy the moment. The people who will rot from within are those who are always focussed on the destination instead of being focussed on the journey.
Are you chasing your tail in an attempt to achieve something that is always out of your reach, or are you willing to stop and smell the roses?
Theo Groeneveld theo@emmanuel.org.za
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