It's interesting that Luke the Doctor would be the one who records this. Although he is not clear whether the sweat actually did contain blood, we cannot exclude the possibility - especially because it is within the realms of medical possibility.According to medical opinion it is possible to "sweat blood"... When a person is under extreme stress (or "anguish" as Luke puts it) then their blood pressure increases dramatically and the tiny capilliaries near the surface of the skin burst. As perspiration flows out of the pores it carries the blood from these burst capilliaries to the surface and the person literally sweats blood.
(Wikipedia: "Hematidrosis is a condition in which capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands rupture, causing them to exude blood, occurring under conditions of extreme physical or emotional stress.")
Here in Gethsemane our Lord Jesus is finalising the issue of the cross. He has known about it all along. This is why He came. But it is a daunting and costly prospect for Him. He will endure the cross as any human being would. He will suffer physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and He will do it for every human being to ever live on this earth.
There is no mistaking His trepidation. He would prefer to bypass this. He would prefer to skip past the trial, the scourging and the cross. The presence of stress and fear does not diminish His courage - it heightens it. He went to the cross in spite of His anguish and misgivings. He went to the cross even though He knew how terrible it would be.
FLASHBULB: Jesus, gaunt and exhausted, crimson streaks down the sides of His face but with steely determination in His eyes - Standing up and saying "Not my will but Thy will be done."
And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. (Luke22:44) |