We're reaching the end of my photo-album of snapshots of Jesus.The disciples were locked away fearfully. They thought it was all over... but it was just the beginning. Jesus appeared offering them peace with nail-scarred hands. He has been through the absolute absence of peace so that they may have peace. He brings joy into fear.
And He sends them out. "As the Father sent me..." Our mission is to go into the world. But we need to page back through our album... Look at the photos of Jesus we've collected. We must go with the same compassion, love, care, mercy, determination and reassuring-doubt-dispelling practical-in-your-face love that we have seen in Jesus.
He will give us His Spirit to help us and empower us. He will inspire and energise us. If we are willing and responsive, He will show us what to say and how to live.
And what we proclaim offers forgiveness. It is not that we forgive, but the Gospel shows people how they can be forgiven. If we share the gospel, they can be forgiven. If we withhold the Good News then they cannot believe and therefore cannot be forgiven. We must go!

FLASHBULB: The risen, peace-giving Jesus inviting us out into the world with Him to love like He did, care like He did, and reach out like He did. He doesn't ask us to do anything He has not done!
Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." (John20:21-23) |
ps: I hope you've enjoyed this series....
God bless and Love,