Thursday, June 2, 2022

EmmDev 2022-06-02 [Spiritual Growth] Is Bible reading important?

Is Bible reading important?

It's Resurrection Day. Jesus accompanies two unknown disciples for an 11km walk on a dusty road (they did not realise it was Jesus walking with them...) Along the way they get into a religious discussion  and He spends most of the trip explaining Scripture to them.

With all due respect, was this not a waste of our Lord's time? Surely He could have appeared to some important people and done some important things - He has just risen from the dead you know? He could have held a press-conference or something!

Instead, Jesus remains incognito to teach two disciples that their faith must come, not from circumstances, but from the truth of the Word! He spends 4-5 hours with two of his lesser-known followers to teach them about God's Word. And it paid off! - Even before they recognised Him, their hearts were burning.

Apart from the appearances by the graveside, this is Jesus' first public appearance and it is interesting that the emphasis is on His Word and not Himself, although it was an honour he could have claimed. Out of all Jesus' public appearances after the resurrection, this one stands out in terms of time spent and priority given. He gave His maximum time and highest priority to some unknown disciples who we never hear of again - Why??? To do some Bible Study - leaving them with burning hearts.

Is Bible reading a good thing? You betcha!

They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"