Tuesday, June 7, 2022

EmmDev 2022-06-07 [Spiritual Growth] Prayer: Bringing our needs to God

Prayer: Bringing our needs to God

This week we move to prayer...

Do you struggle to pray? I do... Part of my problem is that I try too hard to say the right things and even to talk at all!

God has given us prayer so that we can talk to Him, but also listen to Him. We sometimes feel guilty bringing our "shopping lists" before God, but we need to understand that God, like a good friend or parent, is interested in whatever may be bugging us.

We are invited, no, instructed to present our requests to God. We are to talk to God about our requests (prayer), we are to nag God about them (petition), and we are to give thanks for His answers. My good friends are the ones who will listen when I need to get stuff off my chest. Prayer is me trusting God with my baggage because He is my friend.

I am learning that one of the best things I can do is simply to be in God's presence. I've learned I can pray while watering the garden and occasionally sending up an arrow prayer all the while being very conscious of His presence. I've found that riding my bike and looking around at the beauty of the veld and praying for people or situations as they pop into my mind has become another special way of praying.

Do good friends struggle to be together? Sometimes they talk, sometimes they're quiet and sometime one speaks and the other just says "mmmm" or "uh ha". 

Prayer is me, dropping my defences and becoming real with God. As I do that, He begins to work in my heart giving me peace and comfort as I spend time with Him.
So don't struggle - just do it!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.