Monday, October 17, 2022

EmmDev 2022-10-17 [Month of Mission 2022] Qualities of Healthy Churches

Qualities of Healthy Churches

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
I believe healthy churches have similar vital signs we can use as we try to discern God's calling. The scripture given above shows a number of qualities of a healthy church. Our purpose as Christians is to honour God and put His word in the centre of everything. We exist for Christ. Healthy churches are the heartbeat of God's word. They have fellowship which must be spiritual and material. Healthy churches fellowship in church and in small groups, which gather to study God's word as shown in verse 42. The word of God grows people to maturity.

Christians of a healthy church recognise that they come before God as sinners. They know they are not perfect and God accepts them as they are, as He has chosen them for His purposes. They gather regularly, knowing that despite their failings, God keeps calling them together. Fellowship strengthens the unity and love among brethren.
Christians are a like a book being read by the community. The character of a Christian affects the way the church is viewed. Healthy churches should seek to be Holy as God is Holy. What matters most are not innovative programs or spectacular gifts, but Christ-like character that loves God and neighbours, and displays the fruit of the spirit through songs, gratitude, prayer and deed. They must win favour with God and the community. People must envy the life style of Christians.

A healthy church should be composed of men, women and children to form a family, where members have a sense of belonging. They operate like a healthy family, where they support one another in all issues of life. They distribute and share what they have according to need. They care for the needy, they demonstrate love, they pray for each other without ceasing. Every member of the family is valued. They are confident they belong to God and His family.

Healthy churches don't just share the good news with the community, they are the good news! They might offer practical ministries for the vulnerable or marginalized, as well as instruction about Christianity, marriage or parenting skills. They also compassionate in times such as funerals, divorces, theft, accidents, etc. and take it all to God in prayer.

Ultimately, the major mission of a healthy church is to add more members and increase their numbers, at all times, otherwise the church is dead. Healthy churches focus on the holistic welfare of humanity. Healthy churches also embrace feedback on services and programs for continuing improvement. They should develop their leaders so as to capacitate them to lead effectively. Healthy churches practise stewardship and servant leadership. They have a good database that allows the participation of different people with different gifts in the Lord's vineyard. May the Almighty guide us in all that we do, that we keep focused on the qualities of a healthy church.
My name is Maria Undani Phiri, wife to Stephen, mother of three, Consolater, Michelle and Emmanuel. I'm a high school teacher, currently Presbyterial President of the POZ, serving at Makokoba UPCSA.