Friday, June 14, 2024

EmmDev 2024-06-14 [The Discipleship Journey] Disciples make disciples #1

Apologies for the missed eDev yesterday....

Disciples make disciples #1

The ultimate test of disciples is that they make disciples.
Yes. We are called to pass the faith on.

It doesn't matter how well we know the Bible.
It doesn't matter how many theological degrees we have.
It doesn't matter how much work we do in the church.
If we aren't passing the faith on, the work of discipleship is not complete in us.

Paul, writing to his protege Timothy (the disciple he is mentoring) offers this as the criteria for selecting leaders:

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. (2Timothy2:2)

The passage is so clear: We need to be passing on the faith.

Three observations:

  1. One of the simplest ways this happens is parents and grandparents who pass their faith on to kids and grandkids.
    This is both one of the easiest and most difficult forms of sharing our faith.
    It's easy because we already have a trust relationship, we have earned the right to speak and we have a foundation of love.
    It's difficult because our kids can easily see if we practice what we preach.
    If we are not experiencing a real relationship with Christ, no matter what we say, our kids will see what we do...

  2. This does not mean that we have go around getting in people's faces and pushing the gospel down people's throats. When we are following Jesus closely, we will be moved by love to connect with those around us. We will act with His compassion and sensitivity and people will ask us what makes us special.

  3. We're never selling ourselves. Like the moon reflects the sun, we reflect Jesus' grace, love, compassion and kindness. It's about Him and not us. The story is told of two famous preachers in London: People left one service saying "What a preacher!" whereas they left the other service saying "What a God!"

We can't be disciples in a vacuum or a holy huddle. We're meant to be salt in the meal, leaven in the dough and light in the darkness.

Ask God to fill you with love for people who are far from Him and for courage and integrity to live well in their midst.