Thursday, June 20, 2024

EmmDev 2024-06-20 [The Discipleship Journey] The key ingredient

The key ingredient

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. (John13:34-35)
As we do the work of telling people about Jesus, we can be as articulate and creative as we like, but the most effective method to reach others is servant-hearted and sacrificial love.

This is what Jesus modeled when He washed the disciples' feet.
But in the same conversation He also predicted His death and even triggered it by bringing Judas out into the open and basically giving him the go ahead to commit his treachery.

Later in chapter 15 Jesus will also tell His disciples that no one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. Then He proceeds to die for everyone, not only friends, but enemies and those who didn't know or care.

Jesus epitomised love.
When we love people through service and sacrifice, we're reflecting Jesus.

Look for opportunities today to love and serve with a gracious heart that makes people feel valued.

You'll be moving them one step closer to Jesus...