Wednesday, August 28, 2024

EmmDev 2024-08-28 [The Discipleship Journey] Passionate for God

Passionate for God

David asked the men standing near him, "What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?" (1Samuel17:26)
We all know the story of David and Goliath, but what does this story teach us about discipleship? Disciples are passionate about honoring God, just as David was when he faced Goliath.

David wasn't driven by personal glory or recognition. He was driven by a deep passion for God's honor. Whilst the rest of the Israelites looked at the size of the giant, David looked at the size of the insult. While the rest of the Israelites saw the size of Goliath's weapons, David saw the size of His God! While the Israelites quaked in fear at Goliath's intimidating threats, David shook with anger at the giant's disrespect. David's zeal for God's glory moved him to act when others remained silent.

This is the heart of discipleship. True disciples cannot sit still or remain silent when God's honor is at stake. They are willing to step out in faith, trusting in God's power, not their own strength. Like David, disciples live to glorify God, and their passion for His name drives them to make a difference.

When God sees this kind of faithfulness in His disciples, He is pleased. Just as He honored David, God empowers His disciples to do great things for His kingdom. The outcome is in God's hands, but our call is to live passionately for His glory.

Will we stand up for God's honor? Disciples are zealous for God and make a difference because they seek to glorify Him in everything they do.