Wednesday, August 2, 2023

EmmDev 2023-08-02 [Under Construction: God is working in me] Powerful Energy

Powerful Energy

I apologise most sincerely for the longer than anticipated gap in the EmmDevs - I do hope to do a bit better in the second part of the year. I hope you are well and are hanging in there in these wintery and loadshedded months!

We're going to start a series that I am quite excited about:

"Under Construction: God is working in me!"

Christianity is not a DIY or pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootlaces religion.

Sadly, the most quoted verse that ISN'T in the Bible is:
"God helps those who help themselves"!

Over the next few days we're going to look at the numerous Biblical Assurances that God does NOT leave us to struggle on our own, but is powerfully at work in us!

Powerful Energy

The Colossian church was threatened by twin heresies:
- Jewish Legalism on the one hand
- Gnostic Philosophy on the other.

Jewish legalism promoted salvation by good deeds and rituals. Gnosticism taught that you had to master secret knowledge.

Paul, having painted a picture of the Supreme and Saving Christ in the first part of chapter one, brings it all to a crescendo with our text for today....

We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.
To this end I labour, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.        (Colossians1:28-29)

First he paints a picture of an energetic church and an energised Paul:
They are BUSY! Proclaiming, Admonishing, Teaching and transforming lives that can be presented perfect in Christ.
And Paul tells us of his labour and struggle.

BUT then he tells us of his power source.
His energy does not come from his own commitment, courage or dedication.
He is empowered (INpowered) by the Power of God, the Energy of Christ, the precious Holy Spirit.

Such good good good good news!
We'll explore this more over the next few days!