Thursday, August 24, 2023

EmmDev 2023-08-24 [Under Construction: God is working in me] Overcomers


Sometimes the world bullies us.
We see the chaos and the darkness all around us.
Maybe we have a string of bad experiences: our home gets broken into, a colleague stabs us in the back, one of our children gets bullied and we turn on the radio and tv only to be confronted with relentless bad news.

It's in these moments that we can become anxious, cynical or bitter.

John writes to a church beset by persecution, false teaching and strife.
He has a simple but profound comfort for them:

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (1John4:4)

...greater is HE who is in you... than he (in the smallest letters possible) that is in the world.

At times of trouble or strife we would do well to turn our eyes, ears and all our other receptors inward.
Who is in us through the Holy Spirit?
- Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
- The Father, the God of all compassion and God of all Comfort
- The Spirit - Comforter, Counsellor and Guide

- Jesus, the crucified, the one who was bruised for our transgressions
- The Father who numbers the hairs on our heads and writes our names on His palms
- The Spirit who is the still, small voice.

One last time...
- Jesus, the Risen One who invites us to touch His wounds and know His love
- The Father who welcomes prodigal children
- The Spirit who draws us back home...

Are you tired, worn down, exhausted by brokenness all around?
Look IN - You are not alone.