Thursday, March 14, 2019

EmmDev 2019-03-14 [Lent2019] pilGrim - Give more of yourself

pilGrim - Give more of yourself

We're at Thursday: The "G" of the PILGRIM challenge:
Give more of yourself to help others. Look for opportunities to do practical things for others.

In our verse for today Peter talks about
"God's grace in its various forms."
I love this phrase!!
Another word for "grace" in this context is "generosity". Just think about using whatever gift you have as faithful stewards (or unleashers) God's generosity in its various forms.

God's generosity is shown in Salvation (John 3:16 God gave His only Son for us) and also in Providence (James 1:17 "Every good and Perfect Gift is from above"). Although we may have troubles there are also plenteous blessings in our lives. When we begin to count our blessings there are soooo many!

On Lent Thursdays the challenge is to make a conscious effort to give of ourselves to others. Our service should be a sharing of our Time, Talent or Treasure but ultimately it should be a giving of ourselves. Try to do it as anonymously and incognito as possible.

But be creative and imaginative!
The Greek word for "steward" implies management and administration. This puts us in the creative driving seat.
God's goodness/generosity/grace comes to us in so many various forms! So too we can be of service to others in so many ways. Send an unexpected bunch of flowers. Write a generously encouraging card to someone. Wash someone's car, pick up litter in your neighbourhood, cook a meal for someone who is overloaded, visit a lonely person or help a family member with chores... (The possibilities are endless!)

Make sure you do it in a way that puts the focus on the person you are serving and points them away from you and towards God.

Each one should use whatever gift they have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.      (1Peter4:10)