Saturday, March 16, 2019

EmmDev 2019-03-16 [Lent2019] pilgrIm - Inventory your heart

pilgrIm - Inventory your heart

Our pilgrIm task for today is: "Inventory your heart. What priorities, dreams and hopes are at the 'front of mind' for you? What needs re-aligning?"

It was Socrates who famously said that an "unexamined life is not worth living."

Our three texts for today emphasise the importance of "giving thought/consideration to our ways."

It is good to take stock of your life from time to time.
Please use this Saturday to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What are the 3 things in your life this week that have brought you hope and joy?

  2. Using a scale of 1(rock bottom) to 5(fantastic) please rate your levels of gratitude, contentment, optimism and connection to God and others.

  3. Has anything happened this week that was a bitter pill to swallow? Take time to hand it over to God.

  4. In this last week have you come closer to what you believe God wants for your life, or have you drifted further away from this purpose? If you have come closer, take time to give thanks and then consider your next step. If you've drifted away, take time to reflect on why this happened, repent if you need to, and then formulate a strategy to overcome this setback.

  5. Take time to pray about your life and your ways.
The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways (Proverbs 14:8)

A wicked man puts up a bold front,
but an upright man gives thought to his ways. (Proverbs 21:29)

I have considered my ways
and have turned my steps to your statutes.      (Psalms119:59)