Friday, October 4, 2024

EmmDev 2024-10-04 [Stronger Together] Disunity solved by connection to God.

Disunity solved by connection to God.

When David and his men came to Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive. So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. David's two wives had been captured--Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal of Carmel. David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God. (1Samuel30:3-6)
As we read the Old Testament, we discover that life is full of conflict. When things get tough, people are often filled with fear. Instead of standing together in the face of danger, people under threat are easily divided. The strategy often becomes "each man for himself", and it becomes difficult to discern who is friend and who is foe.

We know David as the boy who courageously goes into battle against the giant Goliath, a Phillistine warrior, and kills him with just a sling and a stone.

Some years later, when King Saul pursues David and puts a price on his head, David retreats from Judah together with
600 men loyal to him and their families.

David finds refuge in the area ruled by King Achish of Gad. After David proves his loyalty to King Achish, he requests and is given the town of Ziklag. Here David, his family and his followers, together with their families, live in peace.

When King Achish is called upon to help in the fight against the Philistines, David and his men go with him. Their presence should be a big boost of confidence for everyone, but some of the followers of King Achish are dubious about David's loyalty.
The integrity of David and his men is questioned and they are sent back home.

They return to find that the Amalekites have raided Ziklag. The town is ravaged. Their wives and sons and daughters are taken captive. They have lost everything. This is a devastating blow for each one of them and for all of them.

David and his 600 men weep together until they can weep no more.

As their tears run dry, overwhelming sadness gives way to bitterness. Those in great pain, those who have lost much, look for someone to blame. The men once loyal to David turn against him.

As talk of stoning David soon spreads through the ranks, David is deeply distressed.

Put yourself in his place. What would you do?

It is so easy when we experience pain and loss, when we feel we have failed, to become destructive.
To take down those around us.
To hurt those dear to us.

Instead, David at his most vulnerable, in his weakness, finds strength in the Lord his God.
This strength enables David to lift those who have fallen.
Those who are raised up come together under David's leadership for the common good.
Together they go out to save their families.
Together they return to rebuild their homes and community.

In the same place that they wept until they could weep no more, the people God has restored now come together to rejoice.
Shona van der Lingen is the mother of two amazing daughters and Aya of one delightful grand-daughter. Her garden is her happy place. Shona is serving at St Columba's Kokstad in the Presbytery of East Griqualand.