Monday, October 21, 2024

EmmDev 2024-10-21 [Stronger Together] Blessed are the PeaceMakers

Blessed are the PeaceMakers

In this fourth week of our Month of Mission we look at how PEACEMAKERS make us stronger together.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God. (Matthew5:9)

Of course, today's reading is part of the well-known scripture referred to as the Beatitudes and is found in the larger section of text known as the sermon on the Mount in Matthew and the sermon on the plain in Luke.

Perhaps the biggest challenge we face when reading this famous scripture, is the fact that we are too familiar with it that we are no longer shocked or alarmed by what Jesus is saying. To remedy this, I suggest going to a completely different translation, and in this case Eugene Peterson's The Message: "You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family."

When we think about peace-making, I think we often are drawn to think about the extensive unrest and wars in our world; we think about negotiating world peace, and often times we give up before we start, because we feel so small and insignificant. Some of us will think about peace-making in our communities or families, and even that can be a daunting task.

But The Message talks about setting an example, showing people that cooperation and communicating to understand one another is the better way. We are not great listeners, and we mostly listen to reply. We want people to hear us and for them to change their minds; instead of listening to understand. Most conflict is based off misunderstanding, which is easily remedied when we just listen.

Surely anyone can do that!

The Beatitudes are meant to set us apart from the usual business of our world, so that others will wonder why we behave differently. Perhaps we should pursue the title of being good listeners, because surely that will lead to peace.

Pray: Dear Lord, help me to be quick to listen and slow to reply. Help me to hear over their words and to listen to their hearts. Lord help me to be a bridge builder and peace maker. Amen.
Melanie Cook, currently serving at St Columba's Presbyterian Church, Parkview. My favourite hymns are: "My song is love unknown" and "For everyone born, a place at the table."