Friday, October 25, 2024

EmmDev 2024-10-25 [Stronger Together] Sowing in Peace

Sowing in Peace

Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. (James3:18)
Peace is an interesting thing -- so many people want it, search for it and long for it, and yet struggle to find it. Peace seems to be a gift that you're given, or something you find as you do this journey of life. Its often a sense, sometimes fleeting, of all is well with the world or the deeper knowing within your soul of "It's going to be Ok."

As Jesus followers, we get to experience peace because of the gift of the Holy Spirit. He brings peace into our lives, and so becoming aware of his presence with us, sensing his guidance, and knowing his heart can help us to live with a deeper, more long-lasting peace that defies circumstance.

Our passage for today introduces something new to this though -- "Peacemakers who sow in peace." I wrestled long with this phrase in researching for this devotion -- what does it mean to be a peacemaker who sows in peace?
Some implications seem clear:

  1. Work towards unity through loving communication
  2. Repair broken relationships
  3. Avoid divisive talk and the temptation to gossip
  4. Live with integrity - that what you say you do
  5. On a larger scale, we can contribute to building bridges between those who are different, and refusing to be polarised by controversy
All of these are forms of peace-making and all are important in reaping a harvest of righteousness. I, however, want to propose an additional one.

We get to carry the Prince of Peace into situations. When we encounter pain and heartache, fear, frustration, grief and loss, or anger -- we can choose to walk into the room carrying peace. We get to change the dynamics simply by walking in. This is true incarnational ministry -- when we get to be like Jesus and do the work he does.

Think of those he healed, he conversed with, he touched -- each time they were able to "go in peace."

What would it look like if every encounter, every conversation, every prayer was empowered with the peace of the Spirit? What would change if we invited him into these spaces, and welcomed his peace? How would it be when the stress and fear is high -- to stop and experience his peace for ourselves and then become a peacemaker just as he was?

May you be filled anew today with the gift Jesus offered of a peace that passes understanding. And may you become a peacemaker like him, as you carry this peace into the world.
Jackie is the minister at Strubensvalley United Church. She, and her husband Tim, also run Omphile House -- a foster home where they parent abandoned and abused children. They currently parent seven children ranging from 5 to 25, and 3 grandchildren. When not working and parenting she loves good conversation and chasing sunsets.