Thursday, October 10, 2024

EmmDev 2024-10-10 [Stronger Together] Jesus: Barrier-breaker and Peace-maker

Jesus: Barrier-breaker and Peace-maker

"For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility." (Ephesians2:14)
As human beings, we often allow negative attitudes and behaviors into our lives that divide us - whether through race, color, culture, social standing, gender, or sexual orientation. These differences have become deep-rooted barriers, growing stronger each day, and we struggle to overcome them on our own. The world offers no lasting solution and often makes the problem worse. As long as we cling to these divisions, racial, social, cultural, and gender barriers will remain, leading to conflict and hostility. Unity and peace will continue to be beyond our reach.

To transcend these barriers, we need more than the power this world offers: we need heavenly intervention. The world's power structures have repeatedly failed and disappointed us. What we truly need is the power that comes from God. Through the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has intervened to defeat the forces of evil and darkness that divide and destroy us. Jesus did not suffer or die in vain; His death and resurrection have transformed how we relate to one another. Through His blood, Jesus has broken down the walls of division - racial, social, religious, cultural, and gender barriers - destroying the hostility that once kept us apart. Our peace and unity are firmly grounded in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.

In 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, Paul reminds us that we are no longer to regard anyone from a worldly perspective. If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation: reborn and transformed by the Holy Spirit. The old ways of division have passed away, and new life has come. Likewise, Galatians 3:26-28 tells us that in Christ, distinctions of race, gender, and social standing no longer matter. We are all one in Christ Jesus, with no one spiritually superior to another.

Jesus, during His earthly ministry, transcended racial, social, cultural, and gender barriers. He spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, welcomed the touch of a sinful woman, and ate with tax collectors and sinners, despite the criticism of religious leaders. Jesus is the ultimate Barrier-Breaker and Peacemaker, and by uniting with Him through baptism, we are called to take on His character and values. We, too, are called to be barrier-breakers and peacemakers in a divided world.

The Church, as God's new creation, is central to His plan for salvation. It is through the Church that God brings light to darkness, healing to brokenness, and unity to division. However, if the Church remains divided by the same barriers as the world, how can it bring reconciliation to a divided world? Before we can heal others, we must first overcome the divisions within ourselves. Without transcending our barriers, we remain broken and unable to bring true healing to others.
Rev Tieho Letsheleha, married to Eleanor Letsheleha, blessed with two beautiful daughters, Tlaleng and Mponeng and a grandson, Melokuhle Mahlalela. Currently serving at Moletsane Presbyterian Church, within the bounds of Egoli Presbytery.