Monday, October 7, 2024

EmmDev 2024-10-07 [Stronger Together] Body and Parts

Body and Parts

Welcome to week two of our Month of Mission as we consider being "Stronger Together."
This week we will focus on unity in the Church.

But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

As we celebrate the Month of Mission, we are given the text where Paul the apostle is writing to the Church in Corinth in order to identify problems in the congregation, to offer solutions and to teach the believer how to live for Christ in a corrupt society. In the Scripture Paul gives an illustration about the body, for the church to have an understanding of what it means to be a united church serving God with our given different gifts.

I am reminded of the book of Exodus chapter 17, where Moses appointed Joshua and other men to go down the mountain to fight against the Amalek. Moses had a rod that God was using through him. Whenever Moses lifted up the staff, the Israelites were defeating the Amalek, but whenever his hands got tired and he dropped the rod, the Israelites were defeated. Aron and Hur used their hands together to assist Moses, to lift the rod until the battle was over and the Israelites conquered. The victory belonged to all of them because they all participated differently just as the body functions differently with its different parts, Aron and Hur worked together to assist both Moses, Joshua and the men who were fighting, because they understood that the mission was not only given to Josua and the men down there, but they realised that the battle belonged to all of them.

That is what Paul the apostle is saying to us as the church today, that we are called together to participate in the Mission of God, using all the different talents and gifts He entrusted us with.

For us to carry the mission of God together, is to STOP competing amongst ourselves, and to work together as One body of Christ, Him being the head of the Church Our battle my not necessarily mean that we fight physical like the Israelites did with the Amalek, but ours is to fight the battle of bringing God's people back to him and making more disciples. In and outside the church of God.

May the Good Lord help us to carry and fulfil his Mission that He has trusted us with.
Rev Mary-Anne Molifi, the moderator of the Limpopo Presbytery. I am the minister in charge of Weirdale congregation, and the wife to Mr Clifford Molifi, and we are blessed with two baby girls.