Thursday, September 10, 2020

EmmDev 2020-09-10 [Walk between the Lines] Free!

My apologies for the gaps in the edevs, I've had a bit of a chaotic time.


The fourth stanza is based on the letter Daleth which looks like and symbolises a door. A door represents a boundary but also an opportunity. It closes certain things out but opens up to a new world.

Not many people would put "commands" and "free" in the same sentence. We associate law with boundaries and a lack of freedom. We tend to think that rules stifle creativity and structure limits expression.

The Psalmist has learned otherwise: The rules on a soccer field make the game more fun. The structure of society can engender safety and productivity. The laws of physics ensure that a hang-glider behaves consistently and we can enjoy the ride. Children play safely in a playground that has a fence. Rules, laws and structures do not have to be limiting factors.

The same is true of God's laws: They are there to help, protect and teach us. We have the freedom to run in the path of His commands.

But the Psalmist is saying more than just "rules can be a good thing..."

The psalmist runs in the secure pathway that structure gives, and he does it with a FREE HEART. A heart that is forgiven and free of guilt. A heart that is secure in the knowledge that we are loved and valued by God. A heart that knows: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made and all the days of my life are in the book of my God. (Ps139)"

When our hearts are not free God's commands are a cage. For those whose hearts are free the God's ways are a pathway and we can run along their paths!

I have chosen the way of truth;
I have set my heart on your laws.
I hold fast to your statutes, O LORD;
do not let me be put to shame.
I run in the path of Your commands
for You have set my heart free.      (Psalms119:30-32)